Sunday, September 30, 2007

tequila lime shrimp pasta

tequila lime shrimp pasta, originally uploaded by organic baker.

interesting enough, this pic earned a fave of the day applause by a flickr group. well, that was really nice.

dan decided he'll make me dinner one random night a few weeks ago. this dish turned out really amazing, quick and simple.

he sauteed a generous amount of garlic, red pepper flakes and shrimp, added sun dried tomatoes, tequila, lime and tossed in fettucini, finished it with cilantro.

oh how i'd love to have this again!


Lisa K said...

That dish looks delicious! I love easy shrimp meals.

Great blog!

javagirlkt's cookin' said...

this looks great! i use white wine in dishes like this a lot, i never thought to try tequila, great idea!